Csaba Markus

24 oct 2010


3 comentarios:

Diabetes dijo...

I think all he says is very nice and positive, but I can´t think that way all the time, unless I´m drunk. I mean, basically he´s right but there´s a nuance of idealism in his extreme positivity that can be negative if we aren´t a movie star but a bar tender with terrible schedules or we have a boring job or a bad salary.

neuriwoman dijo...

Mis saludos más cordiales de otra vegetariana de ensalada cultural.

Isamonalisa dijo...

Diabetes: I don´t think that way all the time, but I would like to!
It´s only a different way to see the world. :)

Neuriwoman: Gracias! Estamos en contacto entonces! ;)